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Tuesday 22 May 2018

3 Reasons Why 21st Century Educators without a Tech Knowledge Are in a Big Mess

Have you heard about terms like digital native, tech savvy, tech education, digital classroom and all such stuff in recent times?

I am sure you have.

Those are terms that define the 21st century paradigm. Simply put, 21st century is changing how things are done in the past; there is a revolutionary change going on virtually in every area of human endeavor.

I want to believe you’re reading this post as an educator- someone who has something to offer others in terms of classroom delivery, professional training or any form of knowledge transmission. In whichever case, you need to read through this post with utmost concentration.

Now listen! Your job is at a great risk if you have not mastered the use of certain technology tools as a 21st century educator.

You probably had no problem with a tech-novice status some years back, but not today.

Let me show you 3 reasons why your tech-novice status is so dangerous, as a 21st century educator.

1.      Your tutees are of digital native, they can’t take anything less from a tutor.

We are living in a period where five-year olds are developing apps to solve complex problems. You don’t need to ask how they are able to master such- they are born for this century as much as this century is born for them. In what way then do you think you can profit them while still operating from the analog background? You would definitely lose your learners and then lose your job.

Don’t bother us with the rhetoric of, I have served this organization for a very long time, why must I be fired?
Friend, you’re being fired for becoming irrelevant, simple.

Think about it. If you’re a business owner or manager, how sane and profitable is it to your outfit keeping a man who is no longer delivering result just because he can’t measure up with the inevitable change in techniques and operational tools? Not even a long service status is enough to keep him.

You see why you can’t blame your boss for firing you. You just blame yourself for remaining adamantly conventional.

2.      Offline jobs are going into extinction; an upsurge in online job offer.

A lot of us are still busy complaining of government inability to stem the tide of rising unemployment across the globe.

But let me tell you this- no amount of complaint and reviews by even the most sincere government can completely solve the problem of unemployment. You know why? There is a global collapse in the macroeconomic structures, making it difficult to build and sustain offline jobs.

In fact, what we would rather record in the coming years is frequent job loss as many companies will collapse. Others might simply save cost by closing up their offline businesses while going online fully.

But then, here comes the goodness: while the offline jobs are fast collapsing, there is an astronomical upsurge in online job opportunities.

Goodness if you are tech savvy.

Bad news if you are not! 

How? You can’t work online without acquiring basic tech knowledge.

3.      The question of 21st century is, ‘What can you do?’ and not ‘What do you know?’

A lot of us possibly have multiple degree certificates, indicating we are knowledgeable enough in certain field and areas of study. But one thing is actually wrong with most of these our certificates.

What is that? Multiple degrees based on theoretical knowledge. I am sure you’ve come across a Mechanical Engineering graduate that can’t fix his car.

Mark Zuckerberg needed not to spend five years bagging a theoretical degree on Computer Science. He only needed to use his brain, identify a need, develop a workable solution and today, he is paid highly for it. He is being paid for his potentials and not for his credentials.

Do you notice today that some young men who spent only six months learning how to develop an app are making more money than you, possibly a professor who spent donkey years and millions of dollars acquiring multiple degrees?

What has really changed?

21st century is paying for potentials and not credentials; what you can do and not what you know.

That could as well be the reason why the weekly salary of Neymar Junior (a footballer) could settle a monthly salary of two Nigerian professors for 25 good years.

Your degree is good, but never good enough if you have no 21st century skill to back it up.

I have just warned you! Don’t remain a conventional educator who is irrelevant in today’s world.

One last word… I have not just come to tell you of problems; I am ready to proffer a solution. So, you should look forward to our next post where I will share with you on how you can easily acquire the skills you need to become a truly 21st century educator.

Feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comment box; we are always here for you.

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